
Monday, February 1, 2010

Boy I’m Productive

spring cleaning

Image by torontocitylife via Flickr

At least this weekend was!  I’m completely cleaning and decluttering my home, from top to bottom…kind of like an early spring cleaning.  My home is probably the number one thing that holds me back from where I want to be in life, since I’m constantly seeing more to do.  And as a bit of a perfectionist, I can’t let it go, even if I do nothing about it.  I decided recently that my entire life needs to more or less be revamped.  And let me tell you, its a lot of work so far!  But my motivation is high, and I’m tackling things one step at a time…starting with the house.

Spring Cleaning
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Then I’ll start tackling the financial things, motherhood things and learning things.  I’m slowly developing a step by step plan, a life to do list if you would.  I plan on gaining control over my life (somehow it seems to have slipped from my grasp) in all aspects.  I’ve set deadlines for some things that are holding me in the “waiting” pattern, and am taking steps for a more active social life…I don’t hate quite everyone. ;)  I feel good about 2010, and while I know it isn’t going to be all sunshine and roses, I’m more then willing to make the effort.  Though I’d still not say no to winning the lottery of course. :)

I’m bound and determined to have the ball rolling before my 27th birthday, and gaining momentum.  I have a lot to accomplish between now and then, but I really REALLY need to stop letting the past and my bloody emotions to dictate my future.  I’m tired of that little voice in my head that says that my life would be easier “if only…blah blah blah”.  Sure it would, but it would be easier if I remembered who I am and got off my butt and did something about it too!  So I’m making 2010 the year I get up off my ass and do something about it.  All in the name of balance you see. ;)

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