
Friday, January 29, 2010

A Better Day

009 I think because I actually got some sleep last night!  Was in bed right after midnight, instead of 2 or 3 am like I had been.  Took a nice relaxing bath with my muscle soak before bed, which helps prevent my back and hips from giving out on me.  Especially with all the cleaning I do, and the fact that I spend a lot of time on a regular basis sitting in a kitchen chair working.  Not the best thing for sciatic nerve damage, that’s for sure!  But until I have the home of my dreams (with a home office) it is what it is.

Got lots of cleaning done yesterday, and still have tons more to do today.  I got my big closet cleaned out and reorganized, and hung up a lot of my clothes that were stuffed into my bureau…until I ran out of hangers.  Oops.  Still not finished my bedroom, but its getting there.  Several things are on their way out, which makes me very happy.  The less crap I have, the better.  Been debating some sort of built in type storage space in my room, because I have no where to store those things that I do actually use.  Which is a lot of the reason why my entire house looks cluttered.  This place is so tiny, and so old that storage is a huge issue.  Currently I think I’ll use some of the bureau drawers that I’ve emptied to hold things like my notebooks and binders that I use constantly.  Yay for junk drawers!  Still have the other closet to clean out, so we’ll see.  I’m pretty sure I’ll need more plastic tubs though. ;)

Change - Gandhi

I’m pretty much revamping my entire life, from the ground up.  And that means this blog as well.  I’m going to be tweaking the blog, not removing it for those that are worried.  There’s a lot of work to be done, both offline and on.  But I can’t just sit on my thumbs.  Things have to change, and as I’m the only one who can change them, I need to work my butt off.  It could stand to lose a few inches I’m sure.  I’ve started making a “wants” list, and there are a few other lists I need to create.  I love lists!  Lists keep me focused, and I need that now.  I’m going to try writing goals like to do’s…just some slight tweaking, making them more specific and not time dependant, that sort of thing.

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