
Friday, January 15, 2010

Thank God Its Friday

Red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) on a tombstone...

Image via Wikipedia

It couldn’t have come fast enough for me!  Its funny how even working from home, Friday is a good day…even though I’m prone to work through the weekend.  But I don’t have to work!  And being a single Mom, Friday means the end of the school week, and I can sleep in a bit for the next two days.  That’s always awesome!

The squirrel is still on the loose.  We’ve set a rat trap to see if we can catch (and kill) the darn thing.  Red squirrels are shot on sight up here, and this is why!  I know they have a part to play in nature just like everything else, but they can play their part way out in the woods where they are safe from roaming bullets.  If we catch the silly thing, then Dad is going to patch up all the spots we’ve found so far.  If he patched them up with the thing on the loose, it would just chew a new hole somewhere else.  Sometimes I wonder if my floor isn’t going to collapse on me one day.

Red Squirrel Balancing on Pine Stump, Norway  

In the spirit of “trap or kill the red squirrel”, I had to clean like a banshee yesterday.  In particular in Kidlet’s room, as I found evidence of it being in there.  And in case you are wondering WHAT evidence…droppings.  I ended up having to rewash all her clothes as the stupid thing crawled into her drawers.  Fortunately no holes were found (so far) in her room.  Apparently it had migrated in there in search of the elusive play dough.

There is still a lot of housework to be done, as I’ve decided now would be a good time to change things around.  Don’t know what on earth I’ve been smoking lately, but there you go.  Kidlet’s old toy chest is about to become my sheet and blanket holder…she now is the proud owner of the toy box my Dad built me when I was a baby. :)  Her old toy chest is a cedar box that I got for $20 at a yard sale.  It looks like it was meant to be part of a window seat or something like that.  Its perfect for linens.  Of course its currently blocking my hallway, as I attempt to figure out how to get it in my room, and where.  Its going to be interesting, that’s for sure!

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